Sel darah merah dan sel granula sedimen urin pada pasien cancer of the bladder pada stasium akhir. Tanpa pewarnaan, X400.
Sel darah merah sedimen urin dengan pewarnaan Sternheimer-Malbin. Sel granula berwarna merah keunguan oleh kristal violet, X400.
Red blood cells from the urinary sediment of the preceding, but Sternheimer stain. The granules stained pink with pyronine B, X400.
These granules are stained with supervital satins (Sternheimer-Malbin stain and Sternheimer stain), but are not stained Giemsa stain and Hemosiderin stain. I don't know what are these, but I suspect that they are something like Heinz body. However, the patient does not take splenectomy, and red blood cells in the peripheral blood are normal.
Sel darah merah sedimen urin dengan pewarnaan Sternheimer-Malbin. Sel granula berwarna merah muda oleh pyronine B, X400.
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